Methods In this study, a new type of functional corrector of jaw substituting for traditional corrector was developed with supplemented with special fittings such as outside oral arch, Headgear and so on and obtained satisfactory therapeutic effects. 方法将一种新型的功能性的颌骨矫形器来取代传统的机械矫治器,并进行了大胆的设计和充分的改良,增设了许多特殊装置(如口外弓、头帽等),使其矫治效果更佳。
Conclusion FR-ⅲ readjusts the muscle function of oral and maxillofacial system and promotes normal development of the dental arch and jaw. 结论FR-Ⅲ矫治器可重新调整口颌系统的肌功能,促进牙弓和颌骨的正常发育。